In the Great Khan’s Tent hosted by Saif Beg is a bi-weekly episodic narrative Podcast focusing on the History, Literature, and Folk Literature from the regions of the Middle East and North Africa, Central Asia including Mongolia and the Russian Far East, and South Asia.
If you enjoy watching our content and are learning from it, why not support us through our Patreon or Ko-Fi Account?
We have multiple tiers for all levels of support. Again, I should state that is not necessary to do so but would be a nice thing if you can support it.
$3 General Support
At this tier your support translates to thanking us for all that we do! You can contribute to this tier to just say hello!
$3 Shout Out
At this tier your support translates to you getting a Shout Out (A call out on the podcast thanking you for your support).
$20 Review a Book or an Article
At this support level, I will create an exclusive Podcast, which will be hosted here, where I review your book and/or article. Please note that if you would like me to review a book, it might take some time to do so in regards to not only acquiring it but also to perform auxiliary functions to create this episode. Please email me first with what your article or book is about prior to supporting me at this level to see if it fits the theme on this podcast. Once that has been completed, I will provide you with a timeline of when to expect the episode being published.
$50 Create a Custom Podcast Series for your Work
At this support tier, much like what I am currently performing in my Podcast, I will create a series of two to three episodes based on your work. You will have exclusive access to the recording for a set duration of time before I release it as a part of In The Great Khan's Tent. If the item is a book, please make sure to reach out to me first to ensure that the genre and contents are suitable for this podcast. After that step has been completed, I will provide an address to send a physical copy (if applicable) of the work and upon receiving it will provide you a timeline of when to expect the work.